Self-Care for Parents Is Giving the World the Best of You
Enjoy this guest post by wellness consultant Kabrena Williams. This blog differentiates self-care from selfishness and helps you figure out how to stick to a realistic self-care routine. Williams also shares 10 of her favorite self-care practices that are simple for parents.

7 Benefits of Self-Compassion for Children and Parents
Most people think self-compassion is only tender, but it can also be fierce. Find out the surprising benefits of self-compassion and download your FREE self-compassion poster.

Growing Your Self-Care in 2022: Get Your Free Self-Care Worksheet
As we head into a new year, let’s take what worked from last year and create an even more nourishing 2022. Use these four questions to reflect on the past year, and grow your self-care.

Using The Vitality Wheel to Enhance Your Self-Care: 8 Ways to Boost Vitality by Psychologist Suzy Reading
Suzy Reading is a psychologist and author that created The Vitality Wheel, which is central to her self-care work. The Vitality Wheel includes eight areas that help people live a life of zest and vitality. Also, grab your FREE Vitality Wheel Self-Care worksheet.

11 Ways to Create Community as a Parent
11 Ways to Build Community as a Parent

The Anniversary of Pandemic Parenting: 6 Ways to Cope + Resource Guide
We are still living through this pandemic as we mark the anniversary of this ongoing traumatic experience. It can be helpful to be aware of the anniversary effect so that these waves of grief aren’t experienced as backtracking in the healing process. Symptoms of grief and trauma continue to pop up for various reasons even though time passes, you aren’t doing anything wrong, and it’s actually part of the healing process. Click to learn 6 coping tools + for a curated resource guide to help parents begin to heal from trauma and loss after a year of pandemic parenting.

Social Justice + Self-Care Interactive Calendar
Grab and share your free Social Justice + Self-Care calendar for Black History Month and beyond!

Self-Care 101 eBook for Busy Parents
To all the busy and tired parents out there— this is for you...and your children! Practicing regular self-care is an important part of teaching your children how to pay attention to their needs and be kind to themselves. And, as we know, children learn more from what we do versus what we say. Click to learn more about the book on parent wellness. Take good care, and give yourself the gift of self-care!

September is National Self-Care Awareness Month
Get your free downloadable self-care calendar to celebrate National Self-Care Awareness month!

Intellectual Stimulation and Spirituality During Times of Social Distancing
Part 4 of a 5-Part Series: Intellectual, Cultural, and Spiritual Self-Care

Caring for Ourselves During Coronavirus
Get Your FREE Guide
100 At-Home Self-Care Ideas Across All 9 Categories of the Wellness Wheel

The Wellness Wheel’s 9 Self-Care Categories
Going beyond buzz words, what does self-care really mean? Read more to find out!

Why Parent Self-Care?
This is the hardest and most rewarding job you’ll ever have. Learn more about why it’s crucial that you take good care of yourself.