The 5 Ss of Self-Care: Self-Compassion, Snuggles, Sunlight, Snoozing, and Self-Advocacy
Among the myriad of self-care practices available–and steering away from companies marketing expensive products that promise improved wellness–the 5 Ss of self-care can help ground parents and help them prioritize their well-being. Keep reading to learn more about the significance of self-compassion, snuggles, sunlight, snoozing, and self-advocacy.

40 Family Self-Care Ideas
Family self-care is powerful for two reasons. The first is that children learn more from our actions than from our words. The second is that it is not healthy to wait until you have time away from your kids to practice self-care, and me-time is not so easy to come by during certain stages of parenthood. Read for the complete list of family self-care ideas!

15 Self-Care Books for Younger Kids
These are my favorite books to introduce kids to the concept of self-care and emotional wellbeing as a school-based mental health clinician. This list is focused on elementary school kids that are ages five to ten.

Grow Your Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Skills through Journaling
Get a sneak peek inside the new guided journal that accompanies the book, “Good Morning, I Love You: Mindfulness and Self-Compassion Practices to Rewire Your Brain for Calm, Clarity, and Joy” by Shauna Shapiro, PhD. The post highlights journaling research and five benefits of mindfulness and self-care for parents. You’ll also read the story behind my mindfulness practice that started over a decade ago in my first graduate school class with none other than Shauna Shapiro, PhD!

7 Benefits of Self-Compassion for Children and Parents
Most people think self-compassion is only tender, but it can also be fierce. Find out the surprising benefits of self-compassion and download your FREE self-compassion poster.

Be Kind to Your Mind Poster for Kids: 9 Growth Mindset, Self-Care + Mindfulness Affirmations
Help your kids build new neural pathways that are compassionate, kind and encouraging by using positive affirmations. This poster is Pop It themed because of how much the students I work with enjoy these fidget toys.

Family Gratitude Game
Infuse gratitude into the holidays with this FREE family game that you can play with things you already have at home!

An Introduction to Mindfulness for Busy Parents: Get Your FREE eBook
Get your 14-page eBook featuring mindfulness qualities, meditations, informal mindfulness activities, mindfulness books and resources + more!

Getting Out the Door with Fewer Battles: The Power of the Visual Schedule
Grab your FREE visual schedule for the morning routine to help your day get off to a smoother start with young children!

Self-Care for the Senses Poster
In my job as a school-based mental health clinician I support families in coping with symptoms of anxiety. I created this self-care for the senses poster to help kids and parents come back to the present instead of focusing on the future. I hope these self-care ideas offer a soothing energy for your senses!