Self-Care Expert, Therapist, Writer, and Parent


Hello, and thank you for checking out my blog! I’m a parent of two, and a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. I currently work in school-based mental health at a public elementary and middle school. A big part of my role entails discussing self-care with parents and educators. We know the better the adults take care of themselves, the healthier our children are at home and school. As my passion for self-care continues to grow, I want to connect with a broader parent community. This led me to launch this blog and @parentselfcare. I hope you take something away that helps you on your self-care journey. 

Be well and take good care!

Kristi Yeh, LMFT

Blog . Parent Self-Care

Book . Barnes&Noble

Digital Products . eBooks, posters + more!

Instagram . @ParentSelfCare

Podcast . The Mental Mile Podcast (listen) The Mental Mile (website)

Self-Care Merch . Parent Self-Care Shop

Teachers Pay Teachers . Kristi's Wellness Shop