Winter Wellness For Parents: 13 Self-Care Tips For The Holiday Season
Enjoy 13 self-care tips, broken out by category, to help parents cope with the unique stressors of the winter season. Download the FREE Winter Wellness Guide to help you nourish yourself all year round.

Using The 5 Love Languages for Valentine’s Day: 15 Gift Ideas that Will Speak to Your Partner’s Heart
The wonderful thing about the Love Languages is that there is no wrong answer! This goal is to help people better understand themselves and their partner. Once partners learn the love languages, they are less likely to miss the attempts of their significant other to show their appreciation. When you learn to speak one another’s love languages, it boosts connection and overall relationship satisfaction.

The Parent Self-Care Guide to Couples: 9 Ways to Boost Relationship Satisfaction
As parents we can get lost in putting our kids so high on the priority list that we neglect ourselves, our friends, and our romantic partner. Also, adding kids into the mix is a game-changer for the romantic relationship. If you are looking for a relationship recharge after a year of pandemic parenting (who isn’t?), here are my top nine recommendations for investing in your partnership.

Self-Care 101 eBook for Busy Parents
To all the busy and tired parents out there— this is for you...and your children! Practicing regular self-care is an important part of teaching your children how to pay attention to their needs and be kind to themselves. And, as we know, children learn more from what we do versus what we say. Click to learn more about the book on parent wellness. Take good care, and give yourself the gift of self-care!

8 Ways to Not Hate Your Partner During COVID 19
While many couples are feeling more connected as they band together during these unprecedented times, let’s face it, we are in CLOSE quarters! I hope these tips help you and your partner deepen your bond and cope with the added pressures of a public health crisis.

Caring for Ourselves During Coronavirus
Get Your FREE Guide
100 At-Home Self-Care Ideas Across All 9 Categories of the Wellness Wheel