Using The Vitality Wheel to Enhance Your Self-Care: 8 Ways to Boost Vitality by Psychologist Suzy Reading

Written by Kristi Yeh, LMFT

Suzy Reading is a psychologist and author that created The Vitality Wheel, which is central to her self-care work. The Vitality Wheel includes eight areas that help people live a life of zest and vitality. Reading used the word, “zest,” when Kjersti Nelson, LMFT and I interviewed her for The Mental Mile Podcast, and we both remarked on how the language Reading chooses leaves you feeling inspired and empowered to prioritize your wellness. 

Reading shares that she often uses The Vitality Wheel with clients to help them identify their goals in coaching or therapy. Also, by writing or drawing to fill in The Vitality Wheel, clients increase flexibility and creativity to overcome barriers to self-care. 

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The 8 Categories of The Vitality Wheel by Suzy Reading

  1. Sleep, Rest, Relaxation + Breathing. Soothe your nervous system through rest and breath work.

  2. Movement + Nutrition. Nourish and move for physical and mental health.

  3. Coping Skills. Specific tools to keep your thinking realistic and helpful.

  4. Your Physical Environment. Inviting and pleasant home and work spaces, and harnessing the power of nature.

  5. Social Connections. Investing in the relationships that nourish you, and boost your sense of belonging and connection.

  6. Mood Boosters. Activities and practices that feed your soul.

  7. Goal-Setting + Accomplishment. Create meaningful goals and celebrate your wins (big and small!). Click to download your free S.M.A.R.T. goals worksheet.

  8. Values + Purpose. Living in alignment with what matters to you and increasing your self-knowledge. Click to download your free core values worksheet.

I recommend picking one or two spokes of the wheel to focus on to avoid overwhelm and burnout. Depending on the season of parenthood and life, different areas of The Vitality Wheel might need more of your attention. 

Click to download your free Vitality Wheel worksheet to create your individualized self-care plan. 

As always, don’t hesitate to reach out for support from a loved one, coach or therapist to help you in your wellness journey. Lastly, don’t forget what is already working. I hope you can celebrate yourself for the things you are already doing to be kind to yourself. Wishing you boundless vitality parents!

Follow Suzy Reading on Instagram for self-care posts and wellness videos. You can also buy any number of her books, and check out her website for her blog and contact information for coaching and therapy.

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