Growing Your Self-Care in 2022: Get Your Free Self-Care Worksheet
As we head into a new year, let’s take what worked from last year and create an even more nourishing 2022. Use these four questions to reflect on the past year, and grow your self-care.

Healing from Mom Burnout guest post for the Peanut App
Read my guest post for the Peanut App about healing from mom burnout. I hope these keys to recovery bring you comfort, inspiration, connection and joy!

Using The Vitality Wheel to Enhance Your Self-Care: 8 Ways to Boost Vitality by Psychologist Suzy Reading
Suzy Reading is a psychologist and author that created The Vitality Wheel, which is central to her self-care work. The Vitality Wheel includes eight areas that help people live a life of zest and vitality. Also, grab your FREE Vitality Wheel Self-Care worksheet.

Learning from Parental Burnout + Creating Your Relapse Prevention Plan
Many parents have grown desensitized to burnout, as it has become so commonplace during COVID. While parental burnout is not a clinical diagnosis, it should be taken seriously because it often functions as a low-level depression. Learn how to create your own parental burnout relapse prevention plan and access parental burnout resources.

11 Ways to Create Community as a Parent
11 Ways to Build Community as a Parent

8 Ways to Stay Connected While Sheltering in Place
Part 2 of a 5-Part Series: Social or Relational Self-Care

20 Minute Kindness Lesson for Young Children
Learn How to be a Friend to Yourself and Others, Ideal for Ages 4-8