Goal Setting, Intentions and Celebrating Your Wins in the New Year: Interview with Self-Care Expert and Psychologist Suzy Reading

Written by Kristi Yeh, LMFT

Kjersti Nelson, LMFT and I were living our best lives when we got to meet with psychologist Suzy Reading on Instagram Live to talk about how to use her Vitality Wheel to set goals any time of year. We discussed social media trends regarding new year’s resolutions, the five characteristics of successful goals, keeping your goals flexible, and taking time to celebrate what is working. 

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Suzy Reading is psychologist, yogi, personal trainer, author and speaker based in Australia. Kjersti discovered my most-recommended self-care book for parents, “Stand Tall Like a Mountain,” in her local bookstore. When she shared Suzy’s work with me, I fell in love with her encouraging, warm, inspirational, and practical approach to self-care for families. Between us we own all of her books, and we are excited to purchase her new children’s book when it comes out in the U.S. soon. 

Here is a sneak peek of what you will hear in the interview, Reading’s must-have traits of meaningful goal.

5 Characteristics of Successful Goal Setting from The Self-Care Revolution:

  1. Intrinsic. This refers to what we find personally rewarding versus what someone else wants us to do.

  2. Authentic. This type of goal is rooted in your values and what is important to you.

  3. Frame the Goal Positively. Instead of, “I want to drink less,” you can try, “I want to drink more water and tea.” If you choose language around the goal of what you don’t want to do, you are already priming your brain to focus on that versus healthy change. 

  4. Harmonious. In a family unit or a partnership we need to focus on goals that work together versus in competition.

  5. Realistic + Flexible. It’s important to give yourself permission to adjust your goals or ask for an extension. 

Even if your goals meet all of the above characteristics, sometimes people get stuck moving forward. Connecting with your support system, and working with a therapist can be helpful.

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If you want to get even more tips about setting loose intentions or celebrating your wins, listen to the full interview or check out The Mental Mile Podcast. Kjersti and I are definitely taking time to celebrate the win of connecting with Suzy Reading!

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