40 Family Self-Care Ideas
Family self-care is powerful for two reasons. The first is that children learn more from our actions than from our words. The second is that it is not healthy to wait until you have time away from your kids to practice self-care, and me-time is not so easy to come by during certain stages of parenthood. Read for the complete list of family self-care ideas!

6 Ways to Kickstart Your Self-Care Routine in the New Year
The key to realizing the benefits of self-care as a parent is to develop a routine that works for you. Here are six steps to help you kickstart a meaningful self-care routine that aligns with your values, interests and needs.

Staying Sane (and Having Some Fun Too!) During a COVID Holiday Break
Dr. Luke and I are sharing our favorite tips for keeping a loose routine, getting good rest, using screen time to your advantage, managing the family workload, moving for mental health, keeping a positive attitude, staying connected to your community, creating meaningful family traditions, and making sure fun is a serious priority during the winter break.

7 Ways to Stay Financially Healthy During the Holidays
It’s easy to get swept up in the latest gift trends, so here are some concrete ways to stay financially well during the next couple months.

Self-Care Holiday Gift Guide 2020
Give the gift of wellness this holiday season with these top picks from Parent Self-Care!