Guest Post for The Nourish App: Wellbeing for Mums

Written by Kristi Yeh, LMFT

Becoming a parent flips your self-care routine upside down, and it requires us to become more creative and flexible about our wellness. As a marriage and family therapist who had a solid self-care routine in place for years before becoming a parent, I was humbled by how overwhelming and exhausting my transition into motherhood was. Many of my go-to self-care practices were not accessible the first year of motherhood, and it took me a long time to figure out how to adjust my self-care so that it was both nourishing and practical.

Making time, when it feels like there is no time, for self-care isn’t easy. Parenting can be meaningful, joyful, and rewarding–but, it’s also hard work and it takes a tremendous amount of energy. Despite all of the challenges that come with your time no longer being your own, there are ways to make your self-care non-negotiable as a parent.

Read the complete blog on The Nourish App’s website for 7 Ways To Make Self-Care Non-Negotiable.

Published on November 20. 2022

Kristi Yeh is a parent of two, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, and the founder of Parent Self-Care. She currently works in school-based mental health at a public elementary and middle school. A part of Kristi’s role entails discussing self-care with parents. Kristi is also the author of, Self-Care 101: Self-Care Inspiration for Busy Parents.


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